To Charlie, Mary, Tweeter, Gert, Marie, and Jeannette
To Misha, Chris, Lisl, Andrew, Grandfather Ray, Emily, Leah,
Nathan, Linda, Lynne, Noah Elbers, Nate, Tom, Hans, and Lu
To everyone who stopped to talk to us and help us along the
To our families
To all our friends back home...
Adam, Conor, Everett, Josia, Malcolm, Michal, Noah, Willie
and I have arrived at the beautiful Northwoods Stewardship Center in East
Charleston. Together, we skied and hiked almost the whole length of Vermont!
Lisl drove to meet us from Kroka. It only took her 3 hours
of driving while the last two and a half months of our lives have been wrapped
up in preparing for and moving slow and steady and long towards reaching this
place. It was a bit of a shock to think But she felt our shock and was excited
by it! She reminded us that people just don’t do what we just did anymore, and
to look back at the very beginning. We aren’t the same anymore and it is
noticeable and good.
(She also told me I had a beard.)
I’ve really missed Lisl and I wish she could be staying with
us longer, but she is being pulled in many different directions and so she
can’t. Her daughter is getting married and that makes all of us here very
happy, and we will be sure to learn all we can from her now, and appreciate all
of her jokes. I love her jokes because it makes it so clear that she enjoys
spending time with us. I also hope that I can talk to her about the weather as
much as possible before she says goodbye again because she is incredible and
knows so much.
It meant a lot to finish our Winter Expedition in our Small
Group Solos. We did not do everything perfectly, or the way that we were
supposed to, but we had a handle on every step along our way. If we had tried
to do this at the start we might have floundered and died, or at least come
crawling back to the teachers all embarrassed.
We knew what we were doing out there. An expert would laugh,
but I am being honest. I could go out there by myself and do a good job of it
Everett, Josia & Michal
Adam, Noah & Willie
Conor, Dean & Malcolm
I have asked each group to write about the experience, and I
will tell you about mine.
Walking and sweating hard underneath the full hot sun, going
up the final road of the Winter Expedition, I was charging around every corner
looking for NorthWoods’ sign. I felt like I’d been headed there for years &
that if I didn’t move fast enough it would disappear.
When I finally saw it I ran right to it and put my palm up
against it, then did a little dance while Malcolm & Conor caught up. They
didn’t know what I was doing but I didn’t really care. We had made it! I had
made it!
And then, once we made it up the NorthWoods’ driveway and
made it through the trails and made it into the meadow, it was time to make our
Nate taught last year’s Semester alongside Lu, and this year
he walked with Andrew to follow behind us on our Small Group Solos. Now that
those were finished, he was there to drive camp set-up.
We thinned the forest, we limbed the trees we cut and
stripped them of their bark one by one. We lashed the poles and drove them
together, forcing them up into the air, and we dug holes for their feet so that
they would stay in place. We pounded stakes into the ground and we lashed those
to the poles to make them stand up straight and strong. We harvested boughs
from trees that NorthWoods had already felled, and walked them back because
they were far out into the trails from our sunny meadow. We did this five times
over as so to end up with five different tents. One for the boys to sleep in,
one for the girls, one for the teachers and one for our guest teacher, and one
for cooking and eating and working inside. The last one is named Honey Hollow,
and was sewn by another Semester. It looks like a whale because we set up tarp
that extends out far in front, like a long powerful spine and wide straight
ribs to protect us inside. Many of our poles came from Semesters before us, but
many did not. All the work came from us and this is truly our home, not someone
At the same time, it is clearly NorthWoods’ gift and we are so grateful to be welcome here. Whenever we have been working in their Center, or I have been lucky enough to have to wait inside for the drinking water jug to fill or the laundry to finish, I have been browsing all of their displays and books. They have stuffed birds and owls and even a fisher cat and a salmon! I love looking at them close up, and reading small bits of Last Child in the Woods.
After we finished building our new home and making it both beautiful and comfortable, we had to say goodbye to two people. Nate had to leave and that was sad because there is so much more to learn from him, and there isn’t much time to do so. He reminded me to listen to the birds and shared what he remembered about the stars at night. He talked about making clothes from animal skins and even from cedar. He did not talk about when he lived without metal, but we know that he did, and I hope that I get another chance to ask him about it.

I have not talked about Lu yet, and it feels like it is
time. Lu is our rock. She may not agree that she is our rock, but she is. I can
always be frank and honest with her about how I am feeling and she will always
be frank and honest back. She is incredibly close within our group, in a
different but similar way that Andrew is. Lu is like, but more than, a big
sister who has a better handle on everything we are doing. I really appreciate
that. We have created a family here and she’s been a major driving force behind
it. Lu has also come to me and showed me different ways in which I can grow,
and I need those. Her reading voice is the perfect thing to listen to when you
are about to go to bed. There is much more to write about Lu, but we are not
saying goodbye to her and so some of it can be saved.
Writing these updates has been very difficult and stressful
at times, but it has always felt more than amazing to be that voice for our
Semester. I am incredibly and impossibly proud to be completing my job knowing
that it has been a job well done. I am so happy to be a part of this. I hope
that you have all enjoyed our Story as I have written it. I wrote these updates
to share this experience with all of you. I wanted to share as loudly as I
Thank you so much for listening.
The Scribe
Dean C.
Small Group Solo
The first day was full of gifts. Maple sap quenched thirst,
burl-laden trees enticed creativity, patches of snow scattered the trail making
skiing possible one last time, and a hidden camp by a rushing stream fulfilled
all our needs.
The second was magical. We set off into an enchanted cedar
bog. The trail, thinly covered by snow, disappeared into rising mist, cool and
a wonderful eerie on our bare morning arms. The sun beat down as we dragged
sweaty, muddy feet through cornfield after cornfield, across and up over little
trickles of meltwater edged by deep mud, ever grateful for our mudboots. We
crossed the bridge in Barton mid-afternoon, and promptly turned onto an
incorrect old snowmobile trail, which brought us upon half a deer hide (which
Everett took), and into a sunshower, breaking the heat wave. As the sky
cleared, on rainbow turned into two, which became another half rainbow as well.
It was spectacular.

And the fourth day was just fun, full of adventure of a
minor sort, but exhilarating and inspiring nonetheless. We stopped at the bottom
of the driveway and had a picnic, then set off for the rest of our lives,
barefoot and grinning.
- Josia

They obtained enlightening knowledge from their water sources, but more than anything, hydration. In the land of Barton, Willie, Noah, and Adam purchased a bundle of supplies that became the night’s feast. The next day, Noah fought off the terrible beasts of the Robin’s Roost. On the final day, Adam prepared a brunch and purified himself prior to entry into Northwoods. The journey was complete.
- Willie
Malcolm, Dean, and I were the last group to depart
Heartbeet, were a full day behind the group at one point, but managed to make
it to Northwoods on time and in good spirits.
Our main challenge was the unseasonal heat and the need to
stay hydrated. Luckily, we were able to get water from many people along the
way. The people we met really helped make our solo memorable.
We helped a woman, Barb, move some furniture for an hour
because she was moving. We learned about her family. She and her husband
adopted three kids. When she heard what we were doing, she asked us if our
families were wealthy. This question was unexpected and made me realize how
fortunate I am to be here, doing this. Barb was very friendly and helped me
gain a new perspective, as I had never considered my family to be wealthy. Our
service earned us a free meal from their restaurant.
Our time spent helping Barb and eating put us a little
behind. It took us till nightfall on the windy snowmobile trail to reach Lake Willoughby.
We decided to hike into the night until we got too tired.

We hiked by headlamp until 11:30 or so, earlier than we
planned, and slept just to the side of the trail. That night hike was a blast
and I’m so glad that we did it. We were very tired the next day, but it was
well worth it.
We met many other people and I wish I could mention them
all. Our small group solo was a very empowering experience – we became aware of
our ability to travel and set camp, and live without the help of teachers. We
realized just how much we had learned and grown, and we had a lot of fun.
- Conor